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SciFion 09-15-2009 07:54 PM

What a shame Troy. After all those weeks of anticipation. You know they'll make it right, but.. Good luck with it, can't wait to see the final result.

Cylon_xD 09-15-2009 08:44 PM

Yeah I know, they will take care of me I'm sure, but it's the timing that hurts most - I needed these seat covers NOW, so they were in my car for the remainder of the show season, and now that ain't gonna happen... all the shows will be over this year before I get replacement covers in the right color.

I would just go ahead and use the cream colored ones if they matched ok, but cream just doesn't go well at all with the blue/red/white color scheme I have on my car...

I emailed a message to TRDSparks, guess they don't have evening hours for their internet parts sales... will talk with them tomorrow...

YELOSUB 09-16-2009 12:11 AM

Man that sucks...To wait that long and then for it to be the wrong color...

TheLittleDeviant 09-16-2009 11:14 AM

DAMN! that is horrible luck Troy! They will make up for it I'm sure!

Cylon_xD 09-16-2009 11:31 AM

OK, Update on the Clazzios - looks like the factory put the wrong seat covers in the wrong box, so my seat covers got shipped to someone else, and I got theirs... Sparks said they got another complaint about wrong color seats, they were supposed to get ivory and they got blue instead... so, now it's just a matter of shipping everything to TRDSparks so they can verify the contents and then they'll ship them back out to the rightful owners. So, only about another two weeks wait, instead of a complete reorder... phew! :happy107:

And, they're even shipping me a new box to put the covers in to ship them back, since my box is destroyed... :cool:

TheLittleDeviant 09-16-2009 11:58 AM

Nice! thats much better.

YELOSUB 09-16-2009 11:51 PM

Good, glad it seems that it is going to work out better for you...

Tim.TRDSparks 09-18-2009 03:56 PM

Troy and the other customer are the first ones Clazzio has screwed up. I am terribly sorry this happened and glad we could get it resolved as fast as we did. Let me know if anyone has any questions about seat covers!


robbiej 09-19-2009 12:03 PM

Way to go Tim, I've ordered from TRDSparks before and would never have a problem ordering from them again, I knew they would make it good

Cylon_xD 09-19-2009 02:01 PM

Yep, thanks to Tim and the others there at TRDSparks for figuring out what happened, and for sending me a replacement box... I do want to say that none of this fiasco was TRDSparks fault, absolutely NO negatives for their service!

UPS tracking says one empty box with return shipping label will arrive here on Monday... I just hope they don't shred THIS one too before it gets to me, LOL!!

Cylon_xD 09-22-2009 08:00 PM

Well folks, I'm back to this once more: :emotions122:

This entire experience with UPS is now becoming one really BIG fiasco... UPS delivered the empty box on Monday, but left a sticky on my door saying that it "Requires a Signature at Delivery" to be delivered. A frickin' empty box. So, I followed the instructions on the sticky and signed the back of it and stuck it back on the door, so they would deliver it today with my signature. Well, today I came home from work and there was a second sticky on the door, next to the first, with the same item checked on it again, "Requires a signature at delivery", except this time the "at delivery" was underlined in pen by the driver. dammit.

So I called UPS, and explained the circumstances. First thing they tell me was, "on the back of the sticky there is a place to sign for the package so the driver will leave it the next attempt."


"Ok, well then, just have a neighbor sign for it." Gee, I only know a couple of my neighbors, and most of them are not home during the day either, seems we all gotta WORK to eek out our paltry existance, so scratch that one...

SO, now I got to drive 10 miles out of my way (each way), during rush hour, burning gas and wasting almost an hour of my time, to go to the UPS distribution hub tomorrow evening, to pickup an EMPTY BOX because they refuse to leave it on my front porch...

...and ya all wonder why people go on shooting rampages!!

Next time I'm going to Pep Boys for my seatcovers, LOL! (jk!)

YELOSUB 09-23-2009 12:20 AM

Man, all this for an empty box...Geesh!

xDevint 09-23-2009 02:20 AM

Dang Troy you just not having any luck. At lease Tim got ya fixed on the mix up and will have your seat covers soon.

TheLittleDeviant 09-23-2009 10:23 AM

Holy crap! They wont leave an EMPTY box!
Thats crazy!

Cylon_xD 09-23-2009 07:18 PM

haha, I just gotta shake my head and laugh... stopped in at the UPS distribution hub today, asked for my empty box, the two ladies behind the counter looked it up on the computer and then I saw them glance at each other, funny-like... the one went back and brought out my empty box, it had been crushed WAY worse than the box I got my seatcovers in... :laughing1:

But, I was smart, I had brought the original box with the seat covers with me, so I just handed everything to them and said "Here you go!" with a big smile on my face and let them worry about repacking everything and shipping it back. Somehow the return label from TRDSparks was still laying loose inside the severely crushed empty box, it hadn't fallen out even with big gaping holes where the seams of the box had spit, so at least I was able to salvage that...

So Tim, the ivory seatcovers, now packaged snuggly inside not one but TWO severely mangled boxes, is FINALLY on it's way to you guys, although I sure can't guarrantee it will get to you in one piece... I'm guessing by the time you receive it, it will probably be inside a third box...


Tim.TRDSparks 09-24-2009 07:47 AM

Oh my goodness is all I have to say about UPS. I really cannot believe this. At least it is on the way hear and we can get this resolved very quickly for you. I told Jamie and our shipping department we may have to triple package the right seat covers when shipping back to you. I do apologize about this greatly and hope to have this resolved ASAP!

Cylon_xD 09-30-2009 07:52 PM

Well, I finally got my Clazzios today, had to make yet another special trip to pick them up at the UPS Distribution Hub, after they REQUIRED that they make a failed delivery attempt to my house yesterday before I could pick them up at the hub today. What a TOTALLY asinine policy UPS has... eh, I'm so frickin' burnt out on the shipping problems I went through with these seatcovers, I guess I just lost all interest - i didn't even bother to unload the box out of the back of the car, or even open the box up at all this evening - I really could care less about them right now. So, an anti-climatic ending to a seemingly never-ending saga. Yay. :disgust:

Box looks ok though, at least UPS didn't destroy it this time. I'll probably unpack and install the covers on Saturday... perhaps I'll get a little more excited once I start seeing them go on...

YELOSUB 09-30-2009 10:43 PM

Remember, the install is easier and they look way better if you remove all the seats to install...Atleast thats the way I did mine and they went on nice and straight without any probs...P.S. I hope the excitement returns when you open the box!

TheLittleDeviant 10-01-2009 08:37 AM

be sure to take lots of pics Troy!

Tim.TRDSparks 10-02-2009 08:01 AM

I am terribly sorry about everything that happened Troy and am glad they did make it there safe & sound. I cannot wait for you to install those and get excited again! I am very sure you will love them and remember to take pictures!


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