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Indemnity83 01-25-2010 03:15 PM

xD Year & Color Signature Images
In late 2007 I made a set of Scion specific userbars because I got frustrated by people with entire pictures of their cars in their signatures, I was hoping they would catch on so that signatures would get smaller.

Recently, while creating the bars for '08, '09 and '10 I decided to build a script that generates the images dynamically to make it easier to continue updating models, years and colors and I have plans to add additional user customization features so people can roll their entire mod list into an animated userbar that cycles through each item, reducing the size of the signature even further.

Check out the demo images below to get an idea of how they look, and the colors and animations available. The easiest way to get your own is to head over the builder site (link below) and use the builder to get the correct image and BBCode to put it in your signature.

Build Your Own Here

These userbars should hopefully serve as a quick way to designate your car in your signature. Feel free to use them anywhere you want, just make sure you read the rules of the forum or site you are going to use them on as some sites don't appreciate images or animation in signatures. <-- Standard bar example <-- Release series example <-- Animation/Color demo


A few notes on the features currently available and in development for the userbars:
  • Release Series Owners: you can add your release series production number to your bar. So there is no longer a need to have the bar and a block of text listing your RS# in your signature. Simply append the production number to the end of the gif file name (before the .gif) and it will be added to the image automatically, or use the builder script above (which is probably easier anyway).
  • The script uses file caching to speed up renders and browser headers to speed up downloads. So these images should load VERY FAST (as in, hundredths of seconds).
  • COMING SOON: I'm still working out the user facing interface for building custom animated bars. The scripts that render the bar are done so you can see my signature for what the animations are like, or the demo above.

TheLittleDeviant 01-25-2010 05:53 PM

Now thats a cool feature!

Indemnity83 01-25-2010 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by TheLittleDeviant (Post 4455)
Now thats a cool feature!

I am working on more things like that, such as the ability to stick your username (or real name) on the bar as well and possibly even animated gifs that cycle through a list of your mods. Things like that. :)

TheLittleDeviant 01-25-2010 06:00 PM

OH HELL YEA!!! I want to be able to put my username in that guy!

Indemnity83 01-25-2010 06:06 PM

I didn't realize until just now though that this forum doesn't allow directly putting an img tag in your signature, which is to bad since it means people will have to upload the images every time and loose out on updates to the system (IE, color tweaks, spelling corrections etc). I totally understand if that was a decision of the administrators, and is at least a little better than some of the other forums, which don't allow any images.

TheLittleDeviant 01-25-2010 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by Indemnity83 (Post 4460)
I didn't realize until just now though that this forum doesn't allow directly putting an img tag in your signature, which is to bad since it means people will have to upload the images every time and loose out on updates to the system (IE, color tweaks, spelling corrections etc). I totally understand if that was a decision of the administrators, and is at least a little better than some of the other forums, which don't allow any images.

Get your post count up, image linking is allowed with enough posts.

Indemnity83 01-25-2010 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by TheLittleDeviant (Post 4462)
Get your post count up, image linking is allowed with enough posts.

Oh, I didn't realize that, I probably should have RTFM, haha. Thanks.

JJGeneral1 01-25-2010 09:49 PM

um... one thing i see wrong... the 2009 and 2010 ones say "2008"... maybe a quick fix is in order?

Indemnity83 01-25-2010 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by JJGeneral1 (Post 4472)
um... one thing i see wrong... the 2009 and 2010 ones say "2008"... maybe a quick fix is in order?

Doh, copy and paste FTL, fixed now. :emotions36:

SciFion 01-25-2010 10:19 PM

Got mine up, thanks Kyle for the pm instructions! Added it to my Scikotics sig as well- :cool:

Indemnity83 01-26-2010 03:11 AM

OK, for those of you who had trouble, or are too lazy to get the correct BBCode to copy and paste into your signature (or another forum). I've made a website you can use to build the code. Release Series owners, you can use it to correctly put the production number on your badge too. Its still very much in beta, so I'm testing it here and another forum before I let the heavy traffic forums know, so let me know if you have any problems with it:

JJGeneral1 01-26-2010 07:50 AM


Originally Posted by Indemnity83 (Post 4473)
Doh, copy and paste FTL, fixed now. :emotions36:

it's ok, just wanted to make sure we got the right ones!!! LOL

Indemnity83 01-27-2010 01:08 AM
^^ This sort of animation is next on the list of features :) (no time-line yet).

TheLittleDeviant 01-27-2010 09:48 AM

^^^now that is an awesome creator you have going on there.
I'm fired up to be able to add custom text to it.

Have a Chai on me :)

Indemnity83 01-27-2010 05:36 PM

Dude, you F***ing rock! :)

TheLittleDeviant 01-28-2010 09:10 AM


Originally Posted by Indemnity83 (Post 4546)
Dude, you F***ing rock! :)

HAHAHAHAHA, Love the sig pic :hands:

MoFaux 01-28-2010 10:11 AM


No love for the wasabi..... :(

TheLittleDeviant 01-28-2010 10:30 AM

^^^ yes there is, second post in this thread has the image posted. or you can go to his site and build your own with your RS number in it here:

MoFaux 01-29-2010 08:17 AM

Dooh! I missed that.

I R n00b :)

KILLA XD 01-30-2010 12:17 AM

im still trying to get this to work.

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