Scion XD Forum

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Indemnity83 01-25-2010 07:20 PM

tC Owner, xD Lover
Long story short if I had been buying a car a few years later, I very likely would have chosen the xD over the tC (RS1 xD's are sexy).

My name is Kyle, and I thought I should introduce myself. I'm an owner of a 2005 scion tC and was once a very active member and moderator over at For a few years, I babied my tC, putting hard work into making it look exactly how I wanted, my car was a statement of who I was. But, as my employment changed and other general facts of life started creeping in, I would go longer between car washes, my activity on the forums dwindled and my excitement about spending money on the tC went away.

Going back a bit, in May 2007 I was invited to go to Scion United (my car even made the shoot, albeit way in the background) and I had a chance to poke around at the very newly announced RS1 xD and really loved it. 4-doors, cargo room, style and 48R 'Hot Lava' paint color.

Since then I've just been waiting for the day that I can trade the tC for an xD, unfortunately, with the economy the way it is and a need to save money I can't justify a trade in and with Toyota's renowned manufacturing quality, I don't expect to need to replace the tC for another 150,000 miles at least.

So here I am, looking to live vicariously though a crowd of xD owners and enthusiasts

SciFion 01-25-2010 09:00 PM

Wow, glad your here Kyle! Your situation may change and that RS1 may still be on the horizon. Now and then we see these cars for sale on EBAY and other places. They usually go fast, but many of us here are on the lookout and post up on them when we see them.

You may be able to swap cars with a dealer selling a used one, it's worth a try.

Anyway, great looking tC, and welcome to the forum! :hands:

TheLittleDeviant 01-26-2010 09:20 AM

Kyle, thanks for coming over and checking us out. The tC is pimp! Very nice work on it.

Shaggy 01-26-2010 12:46 PM

Wow Kyle, nice intro :)

Glad you found your way here!

misformartin 01-26-2010 08:21 PM

welcome... from a former tc owner : ) i lover the xd aswell which is why when the tc got tottaled we bought a xd

YELOSUB 01-31-2010 12:03 PM

Welcome and thanks again for the the little tag that we can add to our signature...

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