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Old 09-22-2009, 08:00 PM   #51
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Location: Amish Country Lancaster, PA
Name: Troy
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Well folks, I'm back to this once more:

This entire experience with UPS is now becoming one really BIG fiasco... UPS delivered the empty box on Monday, but left a sticky on my door saying that it "Requires a Signature at Delivery" to be delivered. A frickin' empty box. So, I followed the instructions on the sticky and signed the back of it and stuck it back on the door, so they would deliver it today with my signature. Well, today I came home from work and there was a second sticky on the door, next to the first, with the same item checked on it again, "Requires a signature at delivery", except this time the "at delivery" was underlined in pen by the driver. dammit.

So I called UPS, and explained the circumstances. First thing they tell me was, "on the back of the sticky there is a place to sign for the package so the driver will leave it the next attempt."

"Ok, well then, just have a neighbor sign for it." Gee, I only know a couple of my neighbors, and most of them are not home during the day either, seems we all gotta WORK to eek out our paltry existance, so scratch that one...

SO, now I got to drive 10 miles out of my way (each way), during rush hour, burning gas and wasting almost an hour of my time, to go to the UPS distribution hub tomorrow evening, to pickup an EMPTY BOX because they refuse to leave it on my front porch...

...and ya all wonder why people go on shooting rampages!!

Next time I'm going to Pep Boys for my seatcovers, LOL! (jk!)

"The Cylons look like us now... they're not just frakkin' Toasters anymore..."

Last edited by Cylon_xD; 09-22-2009 at 11:25 PM.
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