Hey Resolve
Loved the car at Scion De Gras and was great to meet you and the family.
Always good to see another slammed 'D, hahaha
I'm also fighting the wheel dilemma as I'm getting ready to go from tuck to poke.
can't wait to see more progress, and hope to see some soon.
As for the Alternator, I know James (the guy in the red xD pushing 157 dB) had his rebuilt to a nice output. Could be worth looking into if its same price/cheaper than a new alternator (he told me how much and i dont remember haha). though you'd likely see downtime if you did that.
Originally Posted by Resolve
So it has been a while since I have been on here Just been busy and had alot going on.
I wish I had more done to our xD but sadly money has been to tight and had to get me a new vehicle for myself and about to buy a new place. I was hoping to get the car repainted by now with our tax return but since we got my a new vehicle and purchasing our new place yeah that has been put off again. But we are ready to cover up the primer and get some wheels. and fix/clean up the audio in the back.
But now that Shirley (xDitis on Scikotics) is about to start a new job actually working 40 hours a week versus the maybe 20 hours she were she was and making more money and I am working 58 hours a week for the next month and a half we should be able to get back comfortable financially and hopefully get working on the xD again.
I will post more progress pics as we do.
And does anyone have a xD alternator cheap? lol Our is about to go out I believe. We have developed the alternator whine and it has been acting up when over using it. It was bound to happen. but I also have plans to upgrade electricals when we get the money. ie batteries, caps, most likely the hybrid battery/capacitor. I just had too much beating on the Alternator and couldn't get stuff upgraded quick enough. oh well it has lasted over a year with the abuse we (mostly I have given it) lol.