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Shaggy 01-01-2010 04:36 PM

So what do you all get?
So what did everyone get for xmas?

Cylon_xD 01-01-2010 09:05 PM

well, absolutely nothing for the 'D...

couple hundred dollars worth of business casual clothes for work, that was it... no "toys" at all... :(

robbiej 01-02-2010 06:35 AM

Ditto on the car stuff. I did get a box, for my watches. I've picked up a few in the last few months....

katchkillah 01-02-2010 02:31 PM

just the tony hawk ride and dj hero for wii. but yeah same thing nothing for the xd.

Cylon_xD 01-02-2010 08:39 PM

All us old farts don't get toys for Christmas no more... lol.

We just buy our own, whenever... :p

TheLittleDeviant 01-03-2010 10:31 AM

Surprisingly I didn't get any deviant parts either, but I did get this awesome iTouch, with online capabilities, it's nice to be able to check the forums and not be at my computer.

ibeDAMD 01-03-2010 05:46 PM

i got my windows tinted, a pair of shoes and a charm braclet

xDizzle 01-04-2010 12:24 AM

i didnt get nothing lol im trying to save up for an apexi n1 exhaust i found on cl

Cylon_xD 01-04-2010 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by Cylon_xD (Post 3870)
well, absolutely nothing for the 'D...

Oops, I lied... haha, my mom got me a "Wonder Wand" for Christmas (no, I didn't ask for one!), I just found it in my gift pile when I was sorting though things this weekend, almost forgot I got it...

It's a plastic wand with a bent arm and a pad with a microfiber cover over it, comes with a little bottle of cleaning fluid and a spare micofiber cover - it's to clean the inside surface of your windshield. At first I chuckled when I opened the present, seemed like your typical "Ronco" product from TV ads, but then I got to thinking, yeah, it IS kinda a pain to clean the inside of your windshield with a handheld cloth, if this thing actually works it will be a nice little tool... but I probably won't use it to find out how well it works until warmer weather rolls around...

...unless I go out in this cold weather bundled up in my Snuggie to try it out, LOL!

TheLittleDeviant 01-04-2010 04:01 PM

^^^^ Snuggie!!!

Cylon_xD 01-05-2010 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by TheLittleDeviant (Post 3915)
^^^^ Snuggie!!!

lol, I slipped that one in there specifically for your benefit, Ted...! :p

xd_kidd 01-09-2010 10:27 PM

parent paying for my school semester. saved 2k so im not complainin lol. birthday coming up so might buy myself something small for my xd lol.

---------- Post added at 10:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:23 PM ----------

I heard over the news that snuggie was a hit and sold over 2 mil .. they look comfy but I honestly think the commercial is soo retarded, i laughed soo hard my ribs where hurting literately lol

rhino74s 01-10-2010 07:29 AM


Originally Posted by Cylon_xD (Post 3910)
Oops, I lied... haha, my mom got me a "Wonder Wand" for Christmas (no, I didn't ask for one!), I just found it in my gift pile when I was sorting though things this weekend, almost forgot I got it...

It's a plastic wand with a bent arm and a pad with a microfiber cover over it, comes with a little bottle of cleaning fluid and a spare micofiber cover - it's to clean the inside surface of your windshield. At first I chuckled when I opened the present, seemed like your typical "Ronco" product from TV ads, but then I got to thinking, yeah, it IS kinda a pain to clean the inside of your windshield with a handheld cloth, if this thing actually works it will be a nice little tool... but I probably won't use it to find out how well it works until warmer weather rolls around...

:laughing1: I got one of those too. It's actually pretty handy!

katchkillah 01-10-2010 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by Cylon_xD (Post 3875)
All us old farts don't get toys for Christmas no more... lol.

We just buy our own, whenever... :p

that's true, and finally got tint for my xd after what year and a half.

Cylon_xD 01-11-2010 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by rhino74s (Post 4030)
:laughing1: I got one of those too. It's actually pretty handy!

Well, that's good to know - then I won't just toss the thing on a shelf in the garage without giving it a try. Perhaps it will find a permanent home in my big bucket o' cleaning stuff!


Originally Posted by katchkillah (Post 4035)
that's true, and finally got tint for my xd after what year and a half.

Way to go, Katch - tint really makes the car look sharp... love mine, even though it's only 35%... so what'd ya get on yours?

Arwen 01-12-2010 02:45 AM

I've totally been MIA around here...

I got a ps3 + modern warfare, home theater system, some jewelry, 3 pairs of shoes. I guess Santa was good to me this year :) But nothing for the xD, I'll be saving up for a while to get a roof rack and a good system.

TheLittleDeviant 01-12-2010 09:21 AM

Crap you got hooked up this year.

Sapphyre 01-12-2010 10:22 AM

Gorden got me a beautiful pair of black and white diamond accent earrings & a book about werewolves. Those were the highlights of my presents. The other stuff I got were just more jewelry and some clothes.

TheLittleDeviant 01-12-2010 12:31 PM


Sapphyre 01-12-2010 01:17 PM

lol. I told him to get them for me. They were on sale and I was going to buy them for myself if he didn't. :P

TheLittleDeviant 01-12-2010 03:35 PM

OH I FORGOT! I did get a nice Burberry watch for Xmas too...

Sapphyre 01-12-2010 03:48 PM

oooh... nice! I <3 Burberry... but it'll never be as good as Aquascutum.

TheLittleDeviant 01-12-2010 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by Sapphyre (Post 4102)
oooh... nice! I <3 Burberry... but it'll never be as good as Aquascutum.

Water Scrotum?? What?
Never heard of them before, hold on I'll google it.

---------- Post added at 03:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:52 PM ----------

Aquascutum was established in 1851, the year of the Great Exhibition, when tailor and entrepreneur John Emary opened a high quality menswear shop at 46 Regent Street. In 1853, after succeeding to produce the first waterproof wool, he had his discovery patented and renamed the company ‘Aquascutum’, Latin for ‘watershield’.[1] In 1901, Emary moved to 100 Regent Street in the heart of London, which remains Aquascutum’s flagship store to this day.

In April 2006, Aquascutum appointed Kim Winser as president and chief executive officer. Winser is a veteran of the British apparel industry, having worked for Marks & Spencer and Pringle of Scotland.[3] The current heads of design are Michael Herz and Graeme Fidler, who won numerous awards including GQ style awards.

The brand, famous for its suiting range recently modelled by Pierce Brosnan and Brett Anderson, also offers tailoring by Savile Row tailor, Nick Hart. Gisele Bündchen and Jamie Dornan model Aquascutum Collection designs and vintage pieces.

In 2008, Renown announced that it would sell Aquascutum, after the parent experienced three straight years of losses.[4] In May 2009, Renown rejected a corporate buyout bid led by Kim Winser.[3] After the bid was rejected, Winser left Aquascutum. Renown continues acquisition talks with Chinese clothing retailer YGM Trading, which licenses to sell Aquascutum clothes in Asia - the brand's biggest market.[4]

In September 2009, the management team behind the revival of retailer Jaeger, Harold Tillman and Belinda Earl, bought the company.

Interesting... a British line of high end clothing...

Sapphyre 01-12-2010 03:58 PM

lol. They're a british fashion house- sort of similar to Burberry. Well, very similar actually. Burberry's their main competition. One of the Aquascutum factories is in the same county in England that I grew up in, so I used to get stuff at cost all the time by buying it direct from the factory store.

TheLittleDeviant 01-12-2010 04:04 PM

Whoa, whoa, whoa... are you a Brit?

Sapphyre 01-12-2010 04:18 PM

Half. kinda. haha. I have dual nationality.

My parents met in England when my dad was in the USAF... my mum's Scottish & I was born and raised near Cambridge till I was 3- when my dad retired to Florida. Stayed in the States till I was 12 (we moved to NC when I was 8), when they separated and went back to England with my Mum. After doing my GCSE's at 16, I decided not to go on and do my highers/a-levels, and convinced my Mum to move back to the States so that I could go to high school instead. Came back, graduated, ended up getting into a downward spiral with the wrong crowd and moved back to England for a year when I was 20 to try and get myself cleaned up and sorted out. Attended school for Equestrian Studies before getting annoyed and fed up with it, and transferred into studying philosophy, psychology & sociology before finally failing out due to a lack of attendance (not my fault however- they had authorized a leave of absence due to a medical situation in the family and then revoked it without telling me.) Worked as a bartender for the rest of the year, and came back to NC in 2007.

notoriouseyk 01-12-2010 04:39 PM

i got a whole new set of BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!

TheLittleDeviant 01-12-2010 05:41 PM

Lexi can I assume there is an accent?

@ notoriouseyk, same here...

Sapphyre 01-12-2010 10:06 PM

Not really. Unless you consider a slightly southern drawl an accent. haha. When I spend any time over there, it comes back or if I'm drinking with the british ex-pats, or, if I'm really drunk in general. But overall I have a fairly neutral accent with a slight drawl on certain words. I do pronounce some things slightly different and the intonation of some things are unusual. When I was back over there in 2006/'07 I deliberately maintained my american accent since I was bartending and it drew a crowd. lol.

FlashGorden 01-13-2010 01:08 AM

I got some pretty sweet swag. My folks took care of some serious bills for me earlier in the year, couple car payments mainly (gotta keep the D), and then a certain hottie picked up 2 hedgehog tree ornaments and a back scratch tool b/c using a K-Bar is dangerous(???). My sisters got me a gas gift card to BP/Kangaroo. And the folks I lifeguard at work gave me the best gifts of all, cash and a visa gift card so i could handle some court stuff.

Best gift of all was getting to spend time at home, with people my own age, and then seeing Lexi as much as I did. Kinda cliche, but true enough.

Sapphyre 01-13-2010 01:53 AM


I was trying to be practical... and save you from shredding your back.

... since... ya know... that's kinda what I do....

TheLittleDeviant 01-13-2010 08:49 AM

Good deal Gorden, I racked up debt and you got yours removed... lol, I shoulda asked for my bills to get paid :)

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