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Cylon_xD 01-16-2010 08:25 PM

So who has seen Avatar yet? Like it?
Haha! I'm going to see Avatar for the THIRD time this Monday afternoon (I have the MLK Holiday off)... I've seen it twice in IMAX 3D, now this time around on the regular screen in Digital 3D. Being both a big Sci-fi fan and also a technology geek, I am just totally absorbed into this movie, lol... not to mention Zoe Saldana is pretty hot as the 10ft-tall blue feline native Neytiri... :naughty:

I never go to the movie theater to see any movies, because I have a full Bluray and HD projection theater in my basement at home; but the CGI and 3D rendering for this movie are so tremendous that it absolutely MUST be seen in the movie theater. Yeah, it may look fairly decent in Bluray when it releases on DVD and BD, but without the capabilities of Consumer A/V equipment to project the Fusion 3D technology used in this film, alot of the "Shock and Awe" seen in the theater will totally be missing. So, if this movie interests you in the least bit, I highly recommend you see it now, in the theater in 3D, or else you'll be missing out on something very special - a veritable feast for the eyes!

So who else has seen this, and what'd y'all think about it?

For those who wish to see the trailer, here it is, in HD quality:

Sapphyre 01-16-2010 10:35 PM

I haven't seen it yet... but it's not really my thing either. I WANT to see it- I just don't want to spend $12 at imax, or $10 at the regular cinema. Hell, the only time I see things these days is when they hit the $1.50 theatre (and they're usually about to be on DVD at that point too!) that's how broke I am. haha. My dad went to see it though and said it was amazing, although very predictable and follows a lot of cliche good vs bad/cowboys vs. indians story lines.

... I'm just waiting for avatar porn to be released.

Cylon_xD 01-16-2010 11:23 PM

LOL! Avatar virtual online porn game, ftw...! :laughing1:

yeah, it is predictable, a similar storyline as other movies (typical of Hollywood movies, of course!), but I will say in it's defense - that storyline was presented WAY better than any other movie ever released! In any event, I'm not one to anally pick apart movie plotlines, I watch movies strictly for entertainment value and escape from reality... and this movie is an escape in a big way!

But, I think that even if you're not "into" this kind of movie, you ought to see it just to be able to experience a preview of the future of film technology for the future... Ha, I sure wish I was a lot younger, so I could enjoy all the new technological wonders yet to be developed, farther into the future!

Sapphyre 01-16-2010 11:30 PM

oh c'mon.... every single person I know who's seen it has had at least one fantasy of Neytiri... don't tell me it didn't cross your mind too. haha.

Cylon_xD 01-17-2010 04:20 PM

Well, sure, I basically said that in my first! There'd be something wrong with me if I didn't think that, heheh!

Even an old fart with E.D. can still get aroused... :emotions33:

robbiej 01-17-2010 05:10 PM

Would love to see it but will probably end up waiting for it to come out on DVD.

Cylon_xD 01-17-2010 06:01 PM

Aaak! NO, NO, NO, Robbie! Bite your tongue! :chair:

Anyone with the mindset of waiting for this to come out on DVD to see it does not realize the experience they will be missing by not seeing this in the theater in 3D... this movie absolutely MUST be watched in the theater - it was produced specifically to be seen in 3D; it will only be a so-so movie on DVD. If you make the effort to go see it in the theater THEN you will understand what I mean!

Flipper 01-18-2010 12:52 AM

I'm very not into seeing it.I always thought James Cameron ruined a potentially fun movie about the sinking of the Titanic by throwing in a B.S. love story. It was Sooo contrived and derivative it completely soured me to any of his further work.2ndly blue people don't strike me as any more compelling than the usual colors I see every day.

MoFaux 01-18-2010 08:43 AM

I've seen it twice in a regular 3D theater. And I would have to agree that it is visually stunning.

Yes, the plot line/story is an old one, but to be honest that can be said about any movie, book, short story or whatever. What I go to a move for is the experience of how the story is told. In the case of Avatar, the story is told masterfully and the execution of the cinematography is really beyond comparison.

No, I am not a Cameron fan boy (I pretty really did not get much out of Titanic). But I must say this is one of those movies that really ought to be seen in a theater and in 3D.

TheLittleDeviant 01-18-2010 09:41 AM

A group of Scion owners in MA are going to see it this coming Saturday, I will be in that group. I have been wanting to see it for a while now, and finally have the time to go :)

Cylon_xD 01-18-2010 09:45 AM

Well stated, Mo, I couldn't have said it better! That is exactly what I was trying to bring across, it's not so much the story itself, it's the actual viewing experience that is key to this movie... and I really couldn't care less who made the film... Cameron who??

I've never seen Titanic - but then I'm not really into chick-flicks anyway!

Ah well, I feel sorry for people who seem to be so negative about Avatar for one reason or another, and refuse to go see it... their loss, I say! :bleh:

Well time for me to go get ready for my third viewing of Avatar, lol... Noon show!

EDIT: Just got back from seeing Avatar on the regular screen in 3D, still awesome, but nowhere NEAR as awesome as on the IMAX screen... not just the size of the screen, but the audio totally rocks in IMAX - I was very disappointed in the sound at the regular theater... just no comparison! I will definitely be paying the extra $$ to see it in IMAX the next time...

Cylon_xD 01-24-2010 05:55 PM

Ahhh, sheer bliss! Back from the IMAX theater after seeing Avatar again, fourth time now for me, this time with our Eastern PA Scikotics group...

Here's a good video about how they did the animation for the movie - the actors had to physically act out all their parts with motion suits on, not just stand at a mic and voice their lines... really amazing to see the split screens of the actor's and their animation's motions and facial expressions in real time sync...

TheLittleDeviant 01-25-2010 09:51 AM

I am going to see it on the 30th, last attempt fell through...

Cylon_xD 01-25-2010 09:59 AM

Have fun, you'll really enjoy it, Ted - you gonna see it in IMAX or on the regular screen? If you see it in an IMAX theater, be sure to try to sit in the back half of the theater, better viewing from there; in a regular theater, I would recommend sitting sitting only about a third of the way back, closer is better in the regular theater, for apparant screen size... as long as you're not so low that you're looking up to the screen...

TheLittleDeviant 01-25-2010 10:02 AM

IMAX for sure, unfortunately our local Jordans makes you single file line to your seats, no choice of where you sit...

Cylon_xD 01-25-2010 10:39 AM

Well, that really sux... :( Then you'll have to get there really early to get near the front of the line, I'm guessing they would fill the theater from back to front...

We got to the theater a little more than an hour before the show yesterday, and were actually the first ones in line, I was the first one to walk into the theater room... we picked seats 5 rows down from the top, dead center - perfect!

TheLittleDeviant 01-25-2010 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by Cylon_xD (Post 4435)
Well, that really sux... :( Then you'll have to get there really early to get near the front of the line, I'm guessing they would fill the theater from back to front...

We got to the theater a little more than an hour before the show yesterday, and were actually the first ones in line, I was the first one to walk into the theater room... we picked seats 5 rows down from the top, dead center - perfect!

Yea exactly

Cylon_xD 01-26-2010 10:20 AM

OK, I'm probably insane, I know, but I'm taking a buddy of mine to see Avatar tomorrow night at the IMAX theater, my FIFTH time, now! He's a truck driver so is only in town for a few days every so many weeks or months, and he never gets to see any movies in the theater at all... I think it will be a quality experience for him, lol!

YELOSUB 01-31-2010 08:05 PM

I really had no interest in seeing this movie and wasn't sure what to expect...Well I took the wife to see it in IMAX 3-D and the movie was fricken awesome...If you see this movie, SEE IT IN IMAX 3D...We went and saw it on a Monday morning at 1040 am and it was only $9 a ticket...

Cylon_xD 01-31-2010 10:40 PM

That's what I try to tell other people who say they have no interest in seeing the movie, they should see it just for the incredible experience... and it is definitely incredible in IMAX 3D...

Haha, I did find out on the way up to the movie Wednesday night with my truck driver buddy - he told me he hadn't been to a movie theater for over 20 years, had never seen a 3D movie, even with the old-style red/blue glasses, and he had NEVER been in an IMAX theater and had no idea what one was... so then I take him to see Avatar in IMAX 3D - needless to say, he was more than overwhelmed, with the whole experience thrust upon his senses all at once! I believe he enjoyed himself!

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